Time Log Calendar

Still living in the 1980’s with your VCR and car phone? Then this little shorty will inspire you!

This little quickie is a nice reminder to view shop floor barcode scans in a calendar view, even back to the 1980’s! Or whenever you started scanning jobs into Standard Time.

You probably already know that your barcode scans are visible in the Time Logs page, but have you tried the Time Logs calendar? That’s a whole different animal, and it might give you some “rad” new intel. 🙂

Give it a try. Get modern! Get Rad! Get with the 80’s!


Work Order Tracking

This little video may inspire you to try some automated work order tracking techniques like barcodes, QR codes, or RFIDs.

Scan your job at every workstation. You’ll collect the employee who logged it, the location, task being performed, and some other valuable data.

Want to learn more? See the URL’s at the end of the video.

Project Task Link Relationships

Do you need to delay the starting date of a task until another task has finished? That’s a link relationship! This video shows how to create that link relationship, and what they look like in a Gantt chart.

Watch for the words Predecessor and Successor. Those are important labels we give to tasks that precede and to tasks that succeed others. In other words, upstream and downstream tasks… before and after.

Predecessors and Successors are important for scheduling jobs and tasks.

Automatic Job Scheduling, Part 2

Part 2 of the automated job scheduling series goes deeper into workstation and task configuration. Watch the video below and try it for yourself.

  1. Begin by setting workstation resource type to “Machine”
  2. Set a skill into each workstation (so the scheduler can find it)
  3. Set a skill into each project task (so the scheduler can use it to find workstations)
  4. Right-click on a project
  5. Choose “Move to next time slot by skill assignment
  6. Done! Tasks are assigned to workstations with start and finish dates


Automatic Job Scheduling, Part 1

Learn how to automatically assign tasks to workstations or machines for job scheduling. This video shows how “Skills” or machine purposes, or kinds of work are used to assign tasks to machines so that jobs are scheduled to run at the next available time slots.

Got a hot job that needs to run now? There’s a menu command for that.
How about a low-priority job? There’s a menu command for that.

Get inspiration to schedule jobs with the quick video below.

Time off Accruals

Get started with Time Off accruals in Standard Time. After all, it’s more than just scanning barcodes on the shop floor. It’s also employee maintenance and management, which includes PTO requests and time off accruals.

Set all the policies for hourly time off accruals, then let them run automatically. Hours will accrue day-by-day, week-by-week, or month-by-month. Then they will be deducted as employees request time off. Easy!

Allow this “short” to inspire you. Then give it a try yourself!

Request Time Off For PTO and Other Reasons

Standard Time is more than just a manufacturing job tracker. It also allows employees to request time off, usually for the purpose of PTO, sick, personal and other reasons.

ST manages time off requests with manager approvals, automatic weekly and monthly accruals, use-it-or-lose it policies, and for visualizing employee availability.

So… continue using ST for shop floor job status, but consider also using it for employee time management, including time off.

Real Time Employee Status

Real time employee status can be achieved by scanning barcodes and RFID’s on the shop floor. Just scan to start, then scan again to stop. Now you know exactly where your jobs are, who is working on them, and what each employee is doing at any time.

Time Log Chart Dashboard

You’re probably familiar with the Time Logs page in Standard Time, right? It’s that list of barcode scans from the shop floor? Or, the list of hourly entries from employee timesheets?

Yeah, that one!

Well, did you know there’s a nice dashboard that shows time logs on a bar chart. Take a look at the video below, and try it out!

Everything you wanted to know about filtering Standard Time

Filtering Standard Time pages helps you find the information you’re looking for. How so? Without filtering, you’re seeing all records mixed together without categorization or grouping. Some of those records won’t fit the criteria you’re thinking of. They just get in the way, and obscure the ones you’re really trying to find.

How can you remedy that? Filtering!

Simply choose filter (aka search) criteria from the tree at the left. That eliminates rows that don’t fit your search, and shows only those you’re looking for.

Try the filter tree. It’s really handy and nice!