Have You Tried Client Invoicing?

Client invoicing gives you the tools to turn shop floor activity into billable content. Just create a new customer invoice that includes time and materials from shop floor barcode scans. Choose a client, job, and date range. That’s all it takes to query factory activity for invoices. Send if off and get paid!

I like this idea!

Have You Tried Bill of Materials?

You must be scanning inventory in Standard Time, right?

Everybody does! So… yeah!

This YouTube Short tells what happens when you scan a Bill Of Materials. I.e. BOM. Turns out, each inventory item inside the BOM is deducted from inventory and emails are sent when stock is nearly depleted.

Can inventory get any cooler than that?


Cloud and On Prem Editions

Should I choose cloud or on-prem? This video helps answer that FAQ.

First off, both cloud and on-premise platforms are identical in functionality. Cloud is usually easiest because there are no IT entanglements or maintenance issues. On-prem is best when you want your data on your servers (not on someone else’s).

Watch the video below for helpful details on hosting choices.

Printing Barcodes in MS Word

Barcode labels… How do you print them for job tracking on the factory floor? Watch this video and give it a try.

It’s easy!

Now you can track job status, employee hours, inventory usage, warehouse management… geez, just about everything that happens in the factory.

Follow the Progress of your Jobs

How long do your manufacturing jobs take? How long for each process step? And how long did each employee take on those jobs?

There is an elegant answer. Find out here.

Mfg Future Job Revenue

Use the Project Revenue chart to see upcoming client revenue. Each project can be client-billable or in-house work. Standard Time shows you how much your projects will bring in over the coming months.

Try the steps in this video.

Mfg Job Costing Simplified

Learn how to set customer and salary rates for the purpose of project costing, customer invoicing, and payroll. Standard Time will automatically calculate client and employee costs based on your internal rates.

Every barcode scan… every timesheet entry… every employee timer… it all gets calculated automatically.

Learn more here.

Managing shop floor employee accounts

How to manage employee accounts in Standard Time. Make adjustments for user rights, experience, barcode scans, QuickBooks integration, Work In Progress, email notifications, timers, hours, logins, and more. Let us know if you have questions!

Scripts Check Values When Scanning Barcodes

Did you know you can use custom scripts to perform checks on employee barcode scans? When shop floor employees scan barcodes while performing manufacturing jobs, your custom scripts can check their values to make sure they are correct. This reduces the number of incorrect scans and incorrect values.

Watch the video below.

Learn how to create scripts that check barcode input values using your own custom business rules.

Is Standard Time an ERP?

ERP or MRP? Or neither?

Standard Time is a hard one to classify. Take a look at the video below to decide for yourself.

You can clearly see that ST has manufacturing jobs, customers, invoicing, tasks, schedules, and just about everything both ERP’s and MRP’s have. So which one is it!

Send us an email and let us know!