Assembly line barcode time tracking

Using barcodes on the assembly line is an easy way to track employee time. How do they work? Simple… just scan a special barcode label with an employee name on it. Then scan another label with the job and task.

Bleep, bloop. A timer starts!

Now you are tracking time on the assembly line! The information is immediately displayed on a WIP screen for all employees to see. Look up and see which jobs are in progress now.

Bleep, bloop. You’re suddenly a genius and a hero!

Get Standard Time® and be a genius and a hero.  🙂

WIP on a Big Screen Dashboard

Put a big screen like this on your shop floor! You could display the status of every job in the universe.

But… do you really need all the jobs in the universe?

Maybe not. Maybe just all the jobs your employees are currently working on. Yeah, just that would work. Just seeing the work order that are currently in progress… their current hours… the most recent tasks and departments… and a percent complete. Yeah… that’ll do it!