Whiteboard: DCAA Compliance

The government is a huge bureaucracy that has many rules. When you have a government project they require rules for tracking your time. Any easy way for tracking your time is with Standard Time® which has DCAA compliance built in.

Employees on your team will have to follow these rules, plus others:

  1. Employees should enter hours on the day they occur, so they are more accurate and nothing is forgotten.
  2. One employee cannot enter hours for another. No ghost posting.
  3. If you make a change to previous entries, you should enter a note explaining the change.
  4. Each employee must have a username (and password) so their postings are associated with this name. That means you can’t use a spreadsheet because change to spreadsheet are anonymous.
  5. Employees must submit timesheets so there is an electronic signature associated with this action.
  6. Managers must approve [submitted] hours for employees.