Barcode Scanning

Barcode scanning can be used for assembly and manufacturing shops using Standard Time. You put a bar code your work orders and track them with Standard Time. How easy is that!

Imagine knowing how long it takes to assemble a product.  Sure, you have a good guess.  But you might be shocked to know the actual time.  Or the variances.  What’s the longest it takes?  Or the shortest?  What factors contribute to long assembly times?  Or the shortest?

Knowing these things can change your business.

How barcode scanning in Standard Time works

First you scan an employee name.  That tells the system who is doing the work.  Then you scan a project task name.  The timer in ST immediately starts.  Scan the employee name with the word STOP and the timer stops.  Now you know how long this employee worked on that assembly.  The software totals up all the employee time for each assembly.  Now you have the raw materials for your stats.